Friday, January 31, 2014

Gmail Tips: How to check your Gmail account was hacked before you Login?

Recently Gmail and other Google services were down and due to some technical glitz and some hotmail users received some unwanted email. Yahoo mail username and passwords were hacked also hacked.

If you want to check and ensure whether your Gmail account was hacked or not or even it was compromised, please read this.

Every time you login to Gmail Inbox using your desktop browser, you will find a "Details" Link.

Click on the Link and it will pop-up the activity information window. The activity window will show last 20 times when you or anyone else accesses your Gmail account. It will show from which device (Browser, Mobile, email app, POP3 etc.) the Gmail account was accessed. It will also show the IP address and date and time when Gmail account was accessed.

If you use only Desktop Browser or you only access Gmail from your mobile than you will find Browser or Mobile in the Access Type column. If you see any other type that you do not use it clearly means that your Gmail account was compromised. If you see the IP address and location which is something which looks suspicious, it means that Gmail account was compromised.

There is another way to look into this. You need to go to "Settings -> Account s-> Other Google Account Settings".

Click on “Security” tab and Recent activity.

Please visit the Tip section page to read all the exciting tips.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

RDBMS and MongoDB cheat sheet

In this post I am going to share the RDBMS and MongoDB CheatSheat. If you come from RDBMS (Oracle, SQL Server, DB2 etc.) background, this will help you for your quick reference.

You can also download the cheat sheet here

Database Database
Table Collection
Row Document
To create Database

CREATE DATABSE database_name(…)
To create Database

use database_name
To drop Database

DROP DATABSE database_name
To drop Database

use databasename
To create Table

CREATE TABLE table_name (…)
To create collection

To drop Table

DROP TABLE table_name
To drop Collection

To see all the records of a table

SELECT * FROM tablename
To see all the database

SELECT name, database_id, create_date
FROM sys.databases
show dbs
To add records in table

INSERT INTO tablename Values(value1, value2 …)
To Delete all records of a table

Truncate Table tablename
To Delete specific records of a table

DELTE FROM tablename WHERE condition
To Delete specific records of a collection

To update records

UPDATE table_name SET …
To update documents
db.collectioname.update(selection_criteria, new_data)
Logical Operators in RDBMS

- OR
- IN
Logical Operators in RDBMS

- AND = {,}
- OR = $or:[ ... ]
Comparison Opeators in RDBMS

= (Equal)
< (Less than)
<= (Less than or equal to)
> (Greater than)
>= (Greater than or equal to)
!= (Not equal to)
Comparison Opeators in MongoDB


Logical Operators in MongoDB.

In this post we will explore the Logical operators of MongoDB. Just like RDBMS such as Oracle, SQL Server, DB2 have logical operators, MongoDB has its own set of Comparison operators.

RDBMS Logical Operators MongoDB Operator
AND {,}
OR $or:[ ... ]

Let us see example of MongoDB operators.

AND operator

In MongoDB the key/vaue pair passed into a curley braces ({...}) and separated by comma (,) act as AND logical operator. For example to read document (Row) from deptdetails (table) collection using AND operator we can write following command.


Here we are reading data where DeptName is Accounts AND DeptCode is 30.

OR operator

MongoDB has provided $or for OR operator. They key/value pair inside $or[ … ] is use to pass separate expression values. For example to read data from deptdeails collection (table) where DeptName is HR or DeptCode is 30 we can write the statement like this


What is MongoDB?
How to get Started with MongoDB
How to create or drop Database in MongoDB?
How to create Collection (Table) in MongoDB?
... More

Comparison operators in MongoDB

In this post we will explore the Comparison operators in MongoDB. Just like RDBMS such as Oracle, SQL Server, DB2 have their comparison operators, MongoDB has its own set of Comparison operators.

RDBMS Operator MongoDB Operator
= (Equal) :
< (Less than) $lt
<= (Less than or equal to) $lte
> (Greater than) $gt
>= (Greater than or equal to) $gte
!= (Not equal to) $ne

Let us see example of MongoDB operators.

Equal (:)

Here is an example of Equal(:) operator. We are reading data from deptdetails collection where DeptName is equal to Admin.


Less than ($lt)

Here is example of less than($lt) operator. We are reading all the document (row) from deptdetails collection (table) where deptcode is less than 30.


Greater than ($gt)

Here is example of greater than($gt) operator. We are reading all the document (row) from deptdetails collection (table) where deptcode is greater than 30.


Not equal to ($ne)

Here is example of Not equal to ($ne) operator. We are reading all the document (row) from deptdetails collection (table) where deptcode is not equal to 30.


Similarly we can use less than or equal to and Greater than and equal to operator.

What is MongoDB?
How to get Started with MongoDB
How to create or drop Database in MongoDB?
How to create Collection (Table) in MongoDB?
... More

How to Read or find document (row) in MongoDB?

In this post we will examine how we can read data from MongoDB collection (table). In RDBMS system such as in Oracle, SQL Server, DB2 etc we use SELECT command to read data from table or views.

In MongoDB we have find() method available which we can use to read data.

To read all data from a collection( table) we can use find() method like this.


To read all the data from deptdetails collection (table) we can write


The use of pretty() method with find() method lets the MongoDB show the data in a formatted way.


If you want to limit the number of records to be return in MongoDB we can use limit(). This is similar to TOP clauses which are used with SELECT command in PL/SQL or T-SQL with RDBMS. The syntax for this is


For example db.deptdetails.find().limit(2).pretty() will show only two documents (row) from deptdetails collection.


In PL/SQL or T-SQL we use asc or desc to sort the data in a particular order. To read the document (row) in a ascending or descending order we can use sort() method in MongoDB. The syntax for the same is following:

db.collectioname.find().sort({Key:1 or -1})

1 is for ascending order sorting and -1 is for descending order sorting.

Applying condition with find() method.

By default find () method read the entire document (row) of a collection (table). To read specific data or documents which meet your criteria we can apply conditions with find () method.

db.collectioname.find({key1:value1, key2:value2, ... , keyN:valueN})

The below screen shot shows how we can read data from deptdetails collection by applying condition with find() method.


What is MongoDB?
How to get Started with MongoDB
How to create or drop Database in MongoDB?
How to create Collection (Table) in MongoDB?
... More

How to delete document (Row) in MongoDB Collection (table)?

In this post we will explore how we can delete or remove document (row) from Collection (table) in MongoDB.

To delete document (row) MongoDB has provided remove() method. The remove() method is use to delete rows. You can delete one record or set of records of the entire data from collection(table). The syntax for remove() method is following:


To remove all the document (row) from MongoDB collection (table) we can issue the following command


For example purpose let us delete all the record form deptdetails Collection in MongoDB.

To remove or delete records which match a particular condition, we can pass the deletion criteria. For example from the deptdetails table we can remove the document with the value "I am new data here".


The justone parameter with remove() method is use to tell MongoDB to remove one record or all the records. It has two values. 1 and 0. Setting value 1 will remove only one record.

For example we have two records with DeptCode 20 in deptdetails collection. We have run the remove() command with justone parameter value as 1 and it deleted one record only, as you can see in the below screen.

What is MongoDB?
How to get Started with MongoDB
How to create or drop Database in MongoDB?
How to create Collection (Table) in MongoDB?
... More

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

How to update or save document (Row) in MongoDB Collection (table)?

Today, we will explore how we can update document (row) in MongoDB. To update data we use UPDATE statement in RDBM system. We can update all the rows or only some row by applying WHER clause.

In MongoDB, we have two methods available to update document.
   1. update
   1. save

update() method

To update document (row) in MongoDB we can use following syntax:

db.collectionName.update(Selection_Criteria, New_data_value)

Let us see an example of update. We have Dept collection (table) and we are going to update the name of dept from "Global Finance" to "New Global Finance".

db.deptdetails.update({"_id" : ObjectId("52e711871a7cd793275359de")},{$set:{"DeptName":"New Global Finance"}})

We can apply multiple selection criteria in update statement.

db.deptdetails.update({DeptName : "Admin",DeptCode:50},{$set:{DeptName:"Admin",DeptCode:100}})

In the above statement we are updating DeptName and DeptCode.

By default the update () method updates only one document (Row). If you want to update the entire row which matches the selection criteria than you have to use multi parameter.

db.deptdetails.update({DeptName : "Admin",DeptCode:50},{$set:{DeptName:"Admin",DeptCode:100}},{multi:true})

save() method

save() method is used to replace the document(row). The entire document (row) along with columns will be replaced with the new data. The syntax for save() method is following:{_id:ObjectId(),new_data})

For example we have following data in deptdetails collection (table)

    "_id" : ObjectId("52e711871a7cd793275359db"),
    "DeptName" : "Marketing",
    "DeptCode" : 30

We can issue the following command to change the entire content of this document (row){"_id" : ObjectId("52e711871a7cd793275359db"),"mynewcol":" I am new data here"});

What is MongoDB?
How to get Started with MongoDB
How to create or drop Database in MongoDB?
How to create Collection (Table) in MongoDB?

How to add document (Row) in MongoDB Collection (table)?

In this post we will see how we can add new documents (rows) into MongoDB Collection (table). MongoDB is a document oriented NoSQL database. The terminology of NoSQL is different from RDBMS such as Oracle, DB2, Ms-SQL Server.

A MongoDB collection is equivalent to RDBMS table. Document in MongoDB is equivalent to Rows into RDBMS.

To add a new row in MongoDB collection we use the insert() method. The syntax for the same is


The below example will create a database named “Dept”. A Collection “deptdetails” will be created and we will add document(Row).

use dept
switched to db dept
{ "ok" : 1 }
 nbsp;nbsp; "_id" : ObjectId("52e6da801a7cd793275359d3"),
nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; "DeptName" : "Sales",
nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; "DeptCode" : 10

If you want to add multiple documents (rows) at one time you can follow the below syntax:


{DeptName:"Global Finance",DeptCode:60}]

In MongoDB if you want to read about the stats of a collection you can issue db.CollectionName.stats() command. This will show the collection size, number of documents (row), average object size, index size of the collection.

What is MongoDB?
How to get Started with MongoDB
How to create or drop Database in MongoDB?
How to create Collection (Table) in MongoDB?
How to update or save document (Row) in MongoDB Collection (table)?

How to drop Collection (Table) in MongoDB?

This post is next in series of learning MongoDB. We have learned how we can create Collection. In this post we will learn how we can drop the collection.

In MongoDB the first thing we need to do to drop a table is to switch to the database which hosts the collection (table).

use database_name

This will switch the MongoDB control to the database. To drop a collection we need to issue command


If database is successfully deleted it will return "true" or it return "false"

The below example will create a database named "Dept". A Collection "deptdetails" will be created and we will add some document(Row) and finally we will delete the Collection.

> use dept
switched to db dept
> db.createCollection("deptdetails")
{ "ok" : 1 }
> db.deptdetails.insert({DeptName:"Sales",DeptCode:10})
> db.deptdetails.find().pretty()
      "_id" : ObjectId("52e6da801a7cd793275359d3"),
      "DeptName" : "Sales",
      "DeptCode" : 10
> db.deptdetails.drop()

What is MongoDB?
How to get Started with MongoDB
How to create or drop Database in MongoDB?
How to create Collection (Table) in MongoDB?

How to create Collection (Table) in MongoDB?

Today, I will share how we can create collection (table) in MonogoDB. Just like in Oracle, SQL Server or any other RDBMS, tables are created before storing data into them; we create Collection in MongoDB to store data.

In RDBMS you issue CREATE TABLE command along with Column names and their data types along with other constraints (Primary key, constraints etc.).

In MongoDB you define collection. You do not need to define column or their data type. In MongoDB each of the rows that you store can have different fields or columns. Unlike with RDBMS MongoDB gives you flexibility of dynamic columns. So for 1 row you may have 5 fields but for second row you can store 10 fields.

In MongoDB you can create collection by two methods. First you can use db.createCollection() method.

You can pass the collection name as a parameter.

db.createCollection(collection_name, options)

In below example, I have created table employeeList by issuing the db.createCollection(“employeeList”) command.

The second method is you can use the db.Collection_Name.Insert() command. The insert() method add a document in the collection. If Collection does not exist then it will create the collection.

To add a single document (row) into a collection (table) we can issue following command.

db.Collection_Name.Insert({Key1:Value1,Key2:Value2, ... KeyN:ValueN})

db.employeeList.insert({EmpName:"Sam Pitroda",Age:25,DOJ:04/04/2011,Salary:2695,Gender:"M"})

To add multiple documents (row), we can issue commands like this

    {EmpName:"Anil Shastri",Age:39,DOJ:11/19/2007,Salary:4911,Gender:"M"},
    {EmpName:"Bill Rama",Age:33,DOJ:9/10/2006,Salary:4280,Gender:"M"},
    {EmpName:"John Butler",Age:23,DOJ:12/28/2009,Salary:2612,Gender:"M"},
    {EmpName:"Srini Arya",Age:36,DOJ:12/08/2006,Salary:2316,Gender:"F"} )

To see the list of Collections (tables) in the current database, we can use following command

show collections

What is MongoDB?
How to get Started with MongoDB
How to create or drop Database in MongoDB?

Monday, January 27, 2014

How to create or drop Database in MongoDB?

Today, we will explore how we can create and drop databases in MongoDB. By default, 32-bit windows MongoDB comes with a two database named "local" and "Test".

To see the list of all databases in MongoDB we can use show dbs command.

show dbs

To create a new database in MongoDB we need to issue use statement.

use Database_Name

use Employee

This will create a new database with the name Employee.

If databases already exist than use command will let MongoDB to switch over to that database.

To drop or delete a database in MongoDB we will issue following syntax

use database_name

To drop Employee database we need to issue following command.

Use Employee

To see what the current database you are working with, we can issue following command


What is MongoDB?

Sunday, January 26, 2014

How to get Started with MongoDB?

To start with MongoDB database you need to download and install the MongoDB database. It is available in two flavors.

   1. MongoDB Enterprise
   2. MongoDB

MongoDB Enterprise is a commercial edition of MongoDB. The current production version for MongoDB Enterprise edition can be downloaded from

MongoDB is available for different platforms and version. Depending upon your requirement you can download the MongoDB for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and Solaris platform. There is 32-bit and 64-bit version of MongoDB available. The current production version available for MongoDB is 2.4.9. You can download the MongoDB from

To learn MongoDB you can download the Non-enterprise edition of MongoDB.

To learn how to install and configure the MongoDB on Windows, you can follow this excellent video available on youtube.

If you are not interested to download and install MongoDB or you cannot do it on your machine due to any reason, you can go to and start learning MongoDB online. This online source is a great place to start learning MongoDB without installing it.

What is MongoDB?

The word "Database" is not new in IT Industry. Anyone who joins the world of Information Technology comes across the concept of database, DBMS, RDBMS. Oracle, SQL Server, DB2 are some of the most talk about products in Database area.

In recent few years the word “NoSQL” has gain momentum. NoSQL Databases have become very popular in recent times.

For a database professional, the Database industry can be divided into two

   1. RDBMS
   2. NoSQL

RDBMS databases such as Oracle, SQL Server etc. are those which support relation between tables. The data is stored in rows and columns. There are concept of primary key and foreign key. There are joins between two tables. Indexing, transactions, joins, triggers are some of the common features in all these database products.

NoSQL databases are opposite to RDBMS. There are no concepts of tables. Data is not stored in rows and columns. Data is stored in flat files. There are no concepts of relation, joins, complex transactions, triggers etc.

NoSQL Databases can be classified into Keyvalue Database, Document database, Object Database, Tabular database, Multivalue database etc.

MongoDB is a leading open source, document oriented database. This Database is written in C++. It is develop by 10gen.

Some of the leading Document oriented databases are JasDB, CouchDb, ClusterPoint, RavenDB etc. You can find a complete listing here.

MongoDB is a scalable, open source, high performance, document oriented database.

According to Wikipedia the term "Document Database" is defined as following:

A document-oriented database is a computer program designed for storing, retrieving, and managing document-oriented information, also known as semi-structured data.

Why MongoDB?

Why do we need MongoDB? The point is Relational Database has limitation. The major limitation is speed. When the data grows in Terabyets & petabytes the RDBMS performance starts to decrease. The other limitation is it can store structured data only. With the invention of Big Data and Cloud computing the need for performance and to store semi-structured and unstructured data in large volume has grown. MongoDB and similar databases of NoSQL category provides high speed performance and they can store structured and semi-structured data.

MongoDB or NoSQL databases are not replacement of RDBMS Databases such as SQL Server, Oracle, DB2 etc. They cannot replace these databases because the RDBMS design, architecture has its own advantage. In many banking system the use of Transactions are must. NoSQL do not provide support for complex transactions.

MongoDB database do not support following things:

   - Joins between tables
   - Complex Transactions
   - Constraints

MongoDB database provide support for

   - Adhoc queries
   - Index can be created on any field
   - Replicaiton
   - Scalable
   - Cross platform
   - Aggregation
   - File storage

MongoDB database support all platforms. You can run the MongoDB on

   - Windows
   - Linux
   - Mac OS x
   - Solaris

Some of the top companies which are using MongoDB are

   - MTV
   - Craiglist
   - Four Square
   - SAP AG

Here is a very good introductory video from Youtube on MongoDB.

Next: How to get Started with MongoDB

Friday, January 24, 2014

How to download all your photos & albums from Facebook?

Recently, a research by Princeton University was published on internet. The research says Facebook will lose 80% of its users by 2017. I don’t know what will happen in 2017 but the obvious question which came to my mind was what will happen to all my photos and albums? Is there a simple and quick way I can backup or download my photos and albums which I have uploaded to facebook over the years?

After doing some research and trying few chrome extensions, I came across an excellent solution to this problem.

The solution is Facebook Album & Photo Manager. This is a chrome extension or chrome plug-in. To use this, you need Google Chrome browser. This is available in Chrome Web Store. It is free.

Once you go to Chrome Web store and search for the Facebook Album & Photo manager, you will find the Chrome extension. You need to click on Launch App. The app will ask you to authenticate and approve it to access your Facebook details.

It will take you to the Albums that you have on facebook.

Click on the album that you want to download. It will show all the pictures that you have in the selected album. You will see a “Download Album” button on the screen. You click on the “Download Album” button and it will download all the photos in that album in a zip format.

This is how you can download all your photos and albums in minutes from Facebook.

Please visit the Tips Section page to read latest tips./font>

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Big Data: Tools and Technologies

The trend of Big Data has grown over the years. It all started with Google publishing papers on MapReduce and Google File System. Even though Apache Hadoop was born before Google publish it papers but it gain momentum after that. Today there are many vendors and tools available to take advantage of Big Data.

Whether you are a Database professional, programmer, Data Scientist or expert on Data mining there are tools available which you can use and explore Big Data world. Here I am sharing the list of Big Data Tools which I came across. You can choose any tool of your interest and explore it.

Data Analysis & Platforms

Oracle TimesTen
Apache Drill
Horton Works
HPCC System

Databases/Data warehousing

Apache Cassandra
Apache HBase™


Versant JPA

Multivalue DB

Rocket U2

Business Intelligence


Data Mining

Apache Mahout
Revolution Analytics - R


Apache Kafka

Big Data Search

Apache Solr

Data Aggregation


Key Value

Tokyo Cabinet
Kyoto Cabinet
Project Voldemort

Document Store


Object Databases






XML Databases


Grid Solutions





Please visit the Big Data page to read all articles on Big Data

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Big Data: What is a Rack in Hadoop Cluster?

A Node is a single computer in Hadoop cluster.

A Rack is a collection of nodes; usually 30 to 40 nodes. All the nodes in a Rack share the same network switch. All the nodes are physically located close to each other. The bandwidth speed among the nodes in a Rack is quick.

A node in a Rack can write or read data quickly from the node located the same rack. A rack when read or write data from a different rack is usually slow. The speed is not noticeable for technically it happens.

Please visit the Big Data page to read all articles on Big Data

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

E-Books at

A Quick Start Guide from RDBMS to MongoDB RDBMS to MongoDB
Indexes in MongoDB

Tips to make IT Life easy

This post contains tips and tricks which makes IT life easy. There are various ways to solve a problem and many shortcuts and sweet way to achieve a specific task. In this page, I will share the Keyboard Shortcut tips, Ms-Office functions, Word tips, Power-point tips and various other tips, that I came across in my IT life.

Please feel free to share your tips, if you like.

Ms-Excel Tips - Keyboard Shortcuts
CTR + SHIFT + # To change a date format into dd-mon-yy format.

If you have a date value in cell like '3/3/2014', if you press CTR + SHIFT + # it will change to 3-Mar-14
CTR + 1 Click on the cell and press CTR + 1. This will open the Format Cell window. You can select different date format from in it.

MongoDB Articles

3 Free Online Tools to learn and Experiment with MongoDB

MongoDB Basics
MongoDB Indexes
MongoDB Aggregate
MongoDB E-Books

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