In this post I am going to share the RDBMS and MongoDB CheatSheat. If you come from RDBMS (Oracle, SQL Server, DB2 etc.) background, this will help you for your quick reference.
You can also download the cheat sheet here
You can also download the cheat sheet here
RDBMS | MongoDB |
Database | Database |
Table | Collection |
Row | Document |
To create Database
CREATE DATABSE database_name(…) |
To create Database
use database_name |
To drop Database
DROP DATABSE database_name |
To drop Database
use databasename db.dropDatabase() |
To create Table
CREATE TABLE table_name (…) |
To create collection
db.createCollection(collection_name) OR db.Collectio_Name.Insert(…) |
To drop Table
DROP TABLE table_name |
To drop Collection
db.collectioname.drop() |
To see all the records of a table
SELECT * FROM tablename |
db.collectionname.find() |
To see all the database
SELECT name, database_id, create_date FROM sys.databases |
show dbs |
To add records in table
INSERT INTO tablename Values(value1, value2 …) |
db.collectioname.insert({key1:value1,key2:value2,…}) |
To Delete all records of a table
Truncate Table tablename |
db.collectioname.remove() |
To Delete specific records of a table
DELTE FROM tablename WHERE condition |
To Delete specific records of a collection
db.collectioname.remove(Deletion_Criteria) |
To update records
UPDATE table_name SET … |
To update documents
db.collectioname.update(selection_criteria, new_data) |
Logical Operators in RDBMS
Logical Operators in RDBMS
- AND = {,} - OR = $or:[ ... ] |
Comparison Opeators in RDBMS
= (Equal) < (Less than) <= (Less than or equal to) > (Greater than) >= (Greater than or equal to) != (Not equal to) |
Comparison Opeators in MongoDB
: $lt $lte $gt $gte $ne |
What is MongoDB?
How to get Started with MongoDB
How to create or drop Database in MongoDB?
How to create Collection (Table) in MongoDB?
... More
How to get Started with MongoDB
How to create or drop Database in MongoDB?
How to create Collection (Table) in MongoDB?
... More