Friday, February 10, 2012

"Cold Call" Vs "Warm Call"?

Recently I came across these two terms. I was reading a popular news paper and got stuck on these words - Cold calls and Warm Calls.

I tried to find these two words and was amaze to know about them. After knowing these two terms, I realized that on daily basis we get or receive Cold Calls and Warm Calls.

…So what exactly is Cold Call?

Cold calls are sales and marketing tools which are used worldwide to sale a product or service to a potential new customer. The difference between Cold calls and Warm calls are that, Cold calls are uninvited. The customer or the recipient of the Cold call is not aware before he/she faces the cold calls.

Do you remember the numerous calls you receive on daily basis where the person on the other side of the phone try to sale you credit card, insurance policy, Tax savings products etc. or simply try to sell his/here services? Yes, that call is a Cold Call. The basic nature of the Cold Calls are that they are uninvited, unwelcomed.

For some Cold Calls are a mean to buy in customers. Do you remember last time you fall prey to any such call? Cold Calls are totally banned in some countries. Countries like USA and Ireland have “Do not Call Lists”. If your contact # is listed in the Do not Call List, you will not get the Cold Calls. It is like a criminal offence to place a Cold call to the contact number listed in the Do not Call List?

Cold Calls are although not welcomed by the people, but these are very effective way to generate business or pull customer from the competitors.

…So what exactly is Warm Call?

Warm calls are sales and marketing tools which are used worldwide to sale a product or service to a potential customer. The difference between Cold calls and Warm calls are that Warms calls are pre-invited. The customer or the recipient of the Warm call is aware that he or she can get a call.

Just In case you need information on a product or service and you expect someone from the customer care of the companies to call you and provide information; then you are inviting a Warm call.

Do you remember the last time you visited the shopping mall and an executive approaches you with a small form…and you simply fill to…what did you just invited? A Cold call or a Warm Call?

Ok…let us say you got a Cold call and during the interaction you pass on your friends numbers as referrals. What you did? For the caller you gave him a Warm call contacts # and but for your friend you setup a Cold Call.

I hope you know the sales terminology for uninvited calls you face every day.

Thanks for the Reading!

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