Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Tips to make IT Life easy

This post contains tips and tricks which makes IT life easy. There are various ways to solve a problem and many shortcuts and sweet way to achieve a specific task. In this page, I will share the Keyboard Shortcut tips, Ms-Office functions, Word tips, Power-point tips and various other tips, that I came across in my IT life.

Please feel free to share your tips, if you like.

Ms-Excel Tips - Keyboard Shortcuts
CTR + SHIFT + # To change a date format into dd-mon-yy format.

If you have a date value in cell like '3/3/2014', if you press CTR + SHIFT + # it will change to 3-Mar-14
CTR + 1 Click on the cell and press CTR + 1. This will open the Format Cell window. You can select different date format from in it.

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