Friday, January 31, 2014

Gmail Tips: How to check your Gmail account was hacked before you Login?

Recently Gmail and other Google services were down and due to some technical glitz and some hotmail users received some unwanted email. Yahoo mail username and passwords were hacked also hacked.

If you want to check and ensure whether your Gmail account was hacked or not or even it was compromised, please read this.

Every time you login to Gmail Inbox using your desktop browser, you will find a "Details" Link.

Click on the Link and it will pop-up the activity information window. The activity window will show last 20 times when you or anyone else accesses your Gmail account. It will show from which device (Browser, Mobile, email app, POP3 etc.) the Gmail account was accessed. It will also show the IP address and date and time when Gmail account was accessed.

If you use only Desktop Browser or you only access Gmail from your mobile than you will find Browser or Mobile in the Access Type column. If you see any other type that you do not use it clearly means that your Gmail account was compromised. If you see the IP address and location which is something which looks suspicious, it means that Gmail account was compromised.

There is another way to look into this. You need to go to "Settings -> Account s-> Other Google Account Settings".

Click on “Security” tab and Recent activity.

Please visit the Tip section page to read all the exciting tips.

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