Saturday, August 18, 2012

How to get started with Google Analytics API

In Cyberspace every web developer or web master aims to create a niche website, blog or web asset which is liked and admire by its readers. Web developers or web masters love to know the fact how popular their contents are in web world. Knowing the statistics of your web page is really exciting. Today we have many platforms available to know our web statistics. Some of the popular platform which helps you to track your website or blog statistics are following:

  • Google Analytics
  • Alexa
  • AWStats
  • StatsCounter
  • Feedburner
  • ...and many more
  • Google Analytics is one of leading platform to track your web statistics. Google Analytics provides API which you can use to query your web statistics using your own programs developed in Java, PHP, .NET, JavaScript etc.

    How to use Google Analytics to track your web statistics?

    If you want to use Google Analytics to track your web statistics such as Page Visit, Country wise web visit, Browser wise page visit etc. all you need is a Google Account.

    The very first thing you have to do after login with your Google account is to Sign up with Google Analytics. You need to create an account for your website or blog that you want to track.

    Once you successfully create your account, Google Analytics gives you a tracking Id.

    You can click on Standard Tracking Code and Google analytics will give you a tracking code. You need to put this code in your web page or web site or web blog that you want to track.

    Once you put this tracking code in your web pages, you are all set. You can login into Google Analytics and click on your profile to see your web statistics.

    The good thing about Google Analytics is that it provides API which you can use to develop your own programs to get to know your web statistics. These API are available in the form of client libraries to developers in many languages such as Java, Python, .NET, PHP, JavaScript etc.

    In case you want to use .NET based client library and build your own tool to know your web statistics, you need to download Google Data API library from You can show your web statistics on your web page, active users on your website on your website using Google Analytics API.

    Once you register with Google Analytics and explore the reporting dashboard, you will know how powerful Google Analytics is to track your web statistics.

    We will explore the Google Analytics API in this series. Till then you can download the .NET client library of Google Data API

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